
Showing posts from July, 2020

Primesohrs Company Limited: Offering the Best Electric Wine Decanter and Aerator

Remember the days when you had to wait for long to aerate your favourite wine so that you could enjoy every sip of it after a day of hard work? Using a glass decanter and aerator might still be your preferred way of decanting and aerating your wine. But with the integration of technology in every sector of our life, why rely on glass decanters and aerators? What we are saying is that you must buy the best electric wine aerator and decanter that will help you enjoy your favourite drink in just a few minutes. No more waiting in the evening to drink your favourite wine instead start enjoying it in just under a few minutes. How cool is that? And Primesohrs Company Limited has made this possible with their latest innovative electric wine aerator and decanter. Primesohrs Company Limited is amongst very select few companies that are passionate about providing an outstanding wine drinking experience to their customers with just a few clicks. Therefore, they have brou...

Primesohrs Company Limited:提供最佳的電動醒酒器和醒酒輔助器

還記得需要等很長時間方可完成醒酒過程,以便在辛苦的一日中品嚐到一口完美的紅酒?揀選玻璃醒酒器及分酒瓶是您的首選方法。 但隨著技術及科技在生活的整合,為什麼要依靠玻璃醒酒器及分酒瓶呢?我們的意思是,您必須購買最優質的 電動醒酒器及醒酒輔助器 ,這將幫助您在幾分鐘內享受自己喜歡的紅酒。不再需要在白白等待喝自己喜歡的紅酒,而在幾分鐘內就可以開始享用。多麼方便? Primesohrs Company Limited通過其最新的電動醒酒器及醒酒輔助器使一切變得有可能。   Primesohrs Company Limited是極少數熱衷於通過簡單科技為客戶提供完美紅酒飲用體驗的公司之一。 因此,Primesohrs為像您這樣熱情的紅酒鑑賞家帶來了LEVARE WRE,這是一款革命性的產品,可在短短幾分鐘內為紅酒完成醒酒及分酒。 LEVARE WRE遵循紅酒醒酒及分酒的自然概念,採用專利技術製造,將該過程變得簡單快捷。這是市場上唯一可完全電動且一鍵操作的最佳 電動醒酒器 。您只需要將紅酒倒進分酒瓶中直至指示位置。在執行此操作的同時,請按LEVARE WRE上的開始按鈕,然後等待它發出蜂鳴聲。 聽到嗶嗶聲後,將分酒瓶放在LEVARE WRE上,等待科技的服務。 最後,您將獲得一杯完全醒酒的紅酒,其口味得到提升,為您在漫長工作後提供所需的滿足感。 Primesohrs Company Limited提供經典版和喜慶版的 電動醒酒器 及醒酒輔助器。 電動醒酒器及醒酒輔助器的概念誕生於意大利的阿爾卑斯山,當時創始人希望在整個過程中能更加優雅和更有禮節。Primesohrs Company Limited與專業人士的合作幫助創建了LEVARE WRE。如您想喝一杯令人滿意卻又優雅的紅酒,則必須購買LEVARE WRE。 請致電(852)2549 4196與Primesohrs Company Limited聯繫以了解更多信息! 如欲了解更多, 請瀏覽

Buy a Good Wine Aerator and Start the Party

Allow us to ask you one question - when was the first time you have tasted wine? Was it at prom night, office party or a get-together? Well, no matter where you had taken a quick sip, all we want to ask is have you seen anyone swivel the wine in their glass? If you have, do you know why it is done? The swivel is mainly done in order to let the wine breathe! Sounds strange? Well, letting the wine breathe simply means letting it rest in the air for a while so it can taste better.  If you happen to buy a bottle of wine for a romantic evening or for any other occasion, don’t forget to swivel your glass of wine. But the problem with swiveling is that it is very slow, and also, why take the pain of doing it yourself if a wine enhancer can do it for you and that too in a way you never can. Simply by using a good wine aerator, you can hasten the process and can quickly pour wine in your glass that tastes and smells good. In simpler words, an enhancer is used to enh...


請容許我們問一個問題-第一次品嚐紅酒是什麼時候? 是在何時何地呢?好吧,無論您在哪裡喝上第一口,我們想問的是您有否看到別人在搖動杯中紅酒? 如有,知道為什麼要這樣做嗎? 旋轉作用主要為了讓紅酒透氣! 聽起來很奇怪? 好吧,讓紅酒透氣即使讓紅酒與空氣接觸,從而使其口感變得更好。 如您正好為了特別日子買一瓶紅酒,請不要忘記搖晃杯酒。 但另一問題在於速度非常。而且,如果 醒酒輔助器 可為您做到您永遠無法做到的程度,所以為什麼還要自己去做呢。只需使用優質的電子醒酒器就可以加快過程,並可以將紅酒完美地倒入玻璃杯中。 簡單來說,醒酒輔助器可用來提升紅酒味道,使您品嚐到完美的每一口。 當然,您可以喝不曾醒酒的紅酒,但味道肯定不如已醒酒的。如果您是一位欣賞紅酒的專家,您就會知道如您認真想享受紅酒的複雜性,您便了解到醒酒的重要性。您可以將紅酒倒入玻璃杯中放置數小時,也可以完成所有步驟。而您也可以購買電動醒酒跆即可品嚐到一杯完美的紅酒。 如您認為購買 優質電動醒酒器 是個好主意,則應該了解Primesohrs Company Limited的產品,這是一間出色的網上商店,能提供您想提升紅酒味道的一切需要。Primesohrs的產品經久耐用,並帶有保養。這就是使Primesohrs Company Limited比其他公司更優質的原因。 除了醒酒輔助器,您也可以購買電動醒酒器,以喚醒每一瓶紅酒。您只需瀏覽Primesohrs Company Limited的網站即可購買相關產品。 關於 Primesohrs Company Limited: Primesohrs Company Limited是值得信賴的公司,以最優惠價格為香港市民提供最優質的 電動醒酒器 。 如欲了解更多, 請瀏覽