
Showing posts from October, 2020

Primesohrs Company Limited: 提供優質的紅酒的電動醒酒器

您是否喜歡在家庭聚餐或忙碌一天後喝上美酒? 如是,您是否總是想品嘗到自己喜歡的飲料的全部? 同樣,您必須將紅酒進行透氣和分瓶,以混和更多氧氣以增強其風味。 此過程確實需要時間,而且平均要花費30多分鐘才能完成。 我們知道,就像其他普通喝酒的人一樣,您可能擰開軟木塞,然後直接將紅酒倒入杯中以節省時間。 但是,讓我們告訴您,跳過醒酒的過程會丟失很多風味。 而如果您擁有Primesohrs Company Limited 最好的電動醒酒器 ,則可以在幾分鐘之內完成此關鍵過程。 Primesohrs Company Limited是極少數提供最優質的電動醒酒器和分酒瓶的製造商之一。 這款電動醒酒器和分酒瓶被稱為LEVARE WRE,適合像您這樣需要快速醒酒的紅酒飲用者。 LEVARE WRE將為您的紅酒醒酒及分酒的整個過程帶來優雅和敏捷。 現在,讓我們簡要介紹一下LEVARE WRE的工作原理。 這款香港的 紅酒醒酒器 配有玻璃分水瓶和獨立的電動底座。 您需要做的只是將您喜歡的紅酒倒入Levare玻璃分酒瓶中,直到標示水平。 按下按鈕開啟LEVARE WRE。它將發出嗶嗶聲,並且光環將緩慢閃爍。 將分酒瓶放在LEVARE WRE上,燈環亮起。 這表明醒酒已經開始。 標準醒酒時間為5分鐘。 您可以再按按鈕再次醒酒。 如您所見,Primesohrs Company Limited的LEVARE WRE將大大減少您進行紅酒醒酒和分瓶的時間。 LEVARE WRE是由一流大學教授和紅酒愛好者的共同研發下所得出的專利技術製成。 因此,當您從Primesohrs Company Limited購買 電動醒酒器 時,請放心您將獲得最先進的技術和最優質的產品。 因此,立即使用Primesohrs Company Limited電動醒酒器改善您的紅酒體驗。 如果您想了解更多有關此產品的信息,請立即致電(852)2549 4196與Primesohrs聯絡。 如欲了解更多,請瀏覽

Primesohrs Company Limited: Offering Excellent Wine Ritual Enhancer

Do you enjoy drinking fantastic wine during family dinners or after a hectic day at work? If yes, you would always want to experience the full flavour of your favourite drink? And for the same, you have to aerate and decant your wine to dissolve more oxygen for enhancing its flavours. This process does take time, well over 30 minutes to work. And we know just like any other regular wine drinkers, you might be unscrewing the cork and pouring the wine in your glass to save time. But let us tell you that you are missing out on loads of flavour skipping this process. Although, if you have the  best wine aerator  from Primesohrs Company Limited, you can get this crucial process done in under a few minutes.  Primesohrs Company Limited is amongst the very select few manufacturers of the finest quality of electric wine aerator and decanter. This electric wine aerator and decanter is called LEVARE WRE and is meant for wine drinkers like you who want to sip on their favourite drink...


關於紅酒有一樣有趣的事:當您了解紅酒越多,您就會越注意到一些小細節。當您注意細節時,品酒的整體體驗會得到提升。 就例如將紅酒從酒樽倒入分酒瓶一樣,這止事情也成為享受紅酒的重要要點。對紅酒不太了解的人可能會認為細節沒有用。但只有真正的品酒者才知道如何令紅酒的質感變得更好。 既然我們在談論品酒,怎能忘記 電動醒酒器 ?它可將品酒體驗提升到更高水平的設備。 電動醒酒器可以幫助紅酒透氣的工具。 好的,電動醒酒器對於某些人來說可能有點陌生,但讓紅酒透氣是很重要的,因為它可以提高整體口感。 不僅是昂貴的紅酒,透氣後的口感當然更好,甚至可以令平價的紅酒與眾不同。 但是如何使用呢? 好吧,這就是竅門。 大多數人沒有意識到紅酒需要透氣時間完全取決於提子和年份。 有些紅酒需要2個多小時才完成透氣,而其他紅酒則只需幾分鐘即可品嚐。 如果您認為電動醒酒器是應該擁有的東西,那麼您應該尋找一間提供優質的 電動醒酒器 的公司。 為此,您應該快速搜尋Google,而您也可以僅查看Primesohrs Company Limited的線上商店。 Primesohrs是一間領先的公司,以優惠價格提供最優質的分酒瓶而聞名。 Primesohrs已經提供了相當長一段時間的分酒瓶。 除此之外,Primesohrs Company Limited還提供電動醒酒器,這令紅酒口感更佳的另一樣產品。 Primesohrs Company Limited提供的產品是LEVARE WRE,LEVARE WRE看起來非常好。 它帶有玻璃分水瓶和用於醒酒的電動底座。 如果您想從Primesohrs Company Limited購買各種產品,只需瀏覽其網站並下訂單即可。 所以,快點! 關於Primesohrs Company Limited: Primesohrs Company Limited是一間領先的公司,提供最優質的 紅酒醒酒器及分酒瓶 。 如欲了解更多,覽瀏

Know Everything About Decanter!

There’s one interesting thing about wine; the more you learn about it, the more you will notice the small details that really matter. And when you pay attention to the minute details, the overall experience of drinking wine gets enhanced. Like shifting of wine from one container to another and such things become an important part of enjoying the wine time. People who do not have much idea about wine might think that it’s useless. But only a true oenophile knows how much better a wine gets after that.  Since we are talking about wine tasting, how can we forget about  electric decanter ? It is a device that is used to take wine tasting experience to the next level. A decanter can be defined as a serving vessel that helps the wine to breathe and comes to life. Okay, so this thing might be a little strange for some people but it is very important to let the wine breathe as it enhances its overall taste. And it’s not just the expensive wine that gets better decanting because a deca...